Xbox ONE is launched

xbox oneWell unless you have been living in a cave and not managed to catch any of the tech talk then you will be aware that yesterday was the day that Microsoft launched and demoed the new Xbox ONE. As a follow up to our previous article on the rumour mill we were about to do the firmed up version of what is now in the new Xbox ONE. But our friends at Geek-Speak have already done it and again we will give you the link to pop over there and check it out. Feel free to comment here or on Geek-Speak. We would both like to hear your comments.

The only thing Microsoft did not touch on yesterday was the DRM game copying protection on the new box and the rumour mill is still a flurry with what this may look like, from loading games onto the hardrive under your account and then if you sell them whoever buys them will have to pay a price to load them onto their hardrive under their account. The rumour is full price. No one at Microsoft has confimed this yet.

What do you gamers think?

Happy reading and lets see what they show at E3 in June.


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