We haven’t had the time to look over all the announcements at CES 2020 this year, but we will try and bring one or two that caught our eye to you over the next few weeks.
This one we think should be taken further and adopted by vehicle manufacturers. What do you think?
Virtual Car Visor
Made by German manufacturer Bosch, the virtual visor works by tracking the driver’s eyes using facial recognition technology. When it detects sun in the driver’s eyes it blocks it without obscuring the rest of the road.
When it detects sun it casts a show over the small area of the driver’s face exposed to sun glare stopping it from interfering with their view.
Sun visors are one of the most overlooked features of a car’s interior, according to Bosch. AA research shows that one in 50% of car accidents in the UK is caused by sun glare.
If the product proves viable it could totally eliminate the need for traditional sun visors in cars. However, at present, the virtual visor is just a concept and years away from going into production.
I love this
and was also blown away by this. What does my title mean and how many Internets
are there?
Background info
Let me give
you background info. At the end of last year I attended, with some tech colleagues,
a Digital Expo in Edinburgh. A day of tech talks and an exhibition area full of
stands and vendors showing their wares. (And the usual freebies as we like to
call them.)
The main
keynote speech was by an MSP about the Scottish Government trying to help tech companies
and get Scotland at the top of the tech ladder. After that came the chap from
Google. (I must admit at this point as to being an avid Google follower and watcher
to see what they are going to do next.)
He started by
taking us back to how tech and Internet access has developed over the last 30
years. Things have just exploded.
From Dial up
to now literally instant access on all sorts of devices from fridges to watches
and phones and laptops and so on.
Explaining the Internet
Now in a
previous work post I had the privilege of teaching small business the benefits
of getting a website and how the Internet worked for their benefit and the
benefit of the user.
A common way I
described the Internet was to keep it simple but make it understandable, went
as follows: –
“Think of the
Internet as a giant library full of information. Shelves of books going into
the distance and finding things required a librarian to help you. They were at
that time mostly Yahoo and Google. You asked then for what you were looking for
and they went into the library and retuned all the relevant content”
People could visualise
this and then I told them that their website would be in that content and how
they could encourage the librarian to bring it to customers searching for what
they had to offer. All makes sense and even though simplistic, easy to get your
head around.
How would you
explain the Internet? (This was very early days as well.)
So what has changed?
So if that
explains the Internet then, surely it has just become much larger and has so
much content the librarians have become smarter and better at what they do?
This is true
of course and the search engines are constantly changing their algorithms to
cater for new searches and the rise of the social media traffic.
Bur prepare to
have your mind blown away. “Your Internet is not the same as my Internet”
“WHAT? I hear you cry. Of course it is.”
My man from Google explained the rise of the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), has created tailored Internet for each user. So each time you interact and even shop, look for things, cafes, and theatres. Locations you search for, what locations you are in when you search. All these and many more things influence what return you get. So we could be in the same location and search for the same thing and get slightly different results. Our info is being tailored depending on our habits, likes and history etc.
Some people
may find this very disturbing and that so much info about us is going around.
Well unfortunately for them it is the case. Even using a food order app influences
things. Loyalty card at stores, the list is endless.
I personally
am excited about AI and what it can do for us. I think if used well and smart,
we can benefit well from this technology.
So what Internet do I use, well I use the one tailored for me?