May The Force Be with You!

Why is getting an I.T. needs Analysis is not just a good idea, but an essential one?

it analysis

In today’s digital age, technology is the backbone of most successful businesses. But for small businesses, navigating the ever-changing tech landscape can be daunting. This is where regular IT checks come in. Just like a car needs tune-ups, your business technology needs regular assessments to ensure it’s running smoothly and meeting your evolving needs.

Why Regular IT Checks Matter

Here are three key reasons why small businesses should prioritize regular IT check-ups:

  • Security: Cybersecurity threats are a constant concern. Regular IT checks can identify vulnerabilities in your systems, outdated software, and weak passwords, all of which leave you open to attacks. IT professionals can recommend and implement security measures to keep your data and operations safe.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: The right technology can streamline processes and boost employee productivity. IT checks can identify outdated software that’s slowing you down and suggest more efficient options. They can also ensure your systems are properly configured for your specific needs, eliminating unnecessary steps and wasted time.
  • Cost Savings: Small problems left unchecked can snowball into expensive repairs or data loss. Regular IT checks can catch small issues before they become major problems, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, IT professionals can help identify areas where you might be overspending on technology and suggest cost-effective alternatives.

Finding the Right IT Support

Many IT service providers offer flexible plans tailored to small businesses. Look for a provider who understands your specific needs and budget. Regular check-ups can be scheduled quarterly or even annually, depending on your risk profile and how often your technology changes.

Investing in regular IT checks is an investment in the future of your business. By proactively managing your technology, you can ensure it’s working for you, not against you.

Check out our IT needs analysis packages here, all tailored to you and your budget and needs. Needs Analysis.

The Worst That Can Happen If You Don’t Update Your IT Equipment as A Business

Worse that could happen

In today’s digital world, it is more important than ever for businesses to keep their IT equipment up to date. Outdated equipment can lead to a number of problems, including:

  • Security breaches: Outdated software and hardware are more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Hackers can exploit known vulnerabilities to gain access to your systems and steal data or disrupt your operations.
  • Compliance issues: Many industries have regulations that require businesses to use certain types of IT equipment or software. If you don’t update your equipment, you could face fines or other penalties.
  • Performance problems: Outdated equipment is often slower and less efficient than newer models. This can lead to productivity losses and customer dissatisfaction.
  • Compatibility problems: Newer software and hardware may not be compatible with older equipment. This can make it difficult to integrate new systems into your existing infrastructure and can lead to data loss or corruption.
  • Increased costs: In the long run, outdated equipment can cost you more money. You may have to pay for more expensive repairs or replacements, or you may lose business to competitors who have invested in newer technology.

Here are some of the worst things that can happen to your business if you don’t update your IT equipment:

  • Data loss: A data breach can be devastating for a business. If your IT equipment is outdated and vulnerable to attack, hackers could steal your customer data, financial information, or intellectual property. This could lead to lost revenue, reputational damage, and even legal liability.
  • System outages: Outdated equipment is more likely to fail, which can lead to system outages. This can disrupt your operations and cost you money. For example, if your online store goes down, you could lose sales and damage your customer relationships.
  • Compliance violations: Many industries have regulations that require businesses to use certain types of IT equipment or software. If you don’t update your equipment, you could face fines or other penalties. For example, healthcare providers must comply with HIPAA regulations, which require them to use certain security measures to protect patient data.
  • Competitive disadvantage: Your competitors are probably investing in new IT equipment to improve their efficiency and productivity. If you don’t do the same, you will quickly fall behind. Outdated equipment can make it difficult to keep up with customer demand and offer innovative new products and services.

What can you do to avoid these problems?

The best way to avoid the problems associated with outdated IT equipment is to have a regular replacement schedule. You should also keep your software up to date by applying security patches and updates as soon as they are available.

If you are not sure whether your IT equipment is up to date, you can consult with an IT professional. They can assess your needs and recommend the best way to update your systems. We at ITTP carry out I.T. needs analysis surveys for this very reason.

Here are some tips for updating your IT equipment:

  • Create a budget and a timeline: Before you start updating your IT equipment, it is important to create a budget and a timeline. This will help you to stay on track and avoid overspending.
  • Prioritize your needs: Not all IT equipment is created equal. Some equipment is more important to your business than others. Prioritize your needs and update the most important equipment first.
  • Consider your options: There are a number of different ways to update your IT equipment. You can buy new equipment, lease equipment, or rent equipment. Consider your budget and your needs to choose the best option for your business.
  • Get help from an IT professional: If you are not sure how to update your IT equipment, you can get help from an IT professional. They can help you to choose the right equipment and install it correctly.

 Contact us on our Contact form page here. Updating your IT equipment is an investment in the future of your business. By keeping your systems up to date, you can avoid a number of problems and improve your efficiency, productivity, and security.

What is the key factor about adopting technology?

A question I am asked a lot is, “What technology should I be using?”

The better question would be why should I use that technology?

So, what is the point of this article.? It is all about what you need and what you do.

The technology of yesterday, is not the technology of tomorrow as it is changing so fast. This matters because of the reason that technology is changing. It is changing because of customer demand a lot of the time and the new technology helps users work smarter and not harder.

So, what are the key factors about adopting new technology?

The ultimate answer is you are the key factor, let me explain further: –

I could easily go into any of my clients and simply say here is the new tech and you need it now. This of course is a broad-brush approach and they may not need half of what I am telling them they need.

So, I never do that, I ask loads and I mean loads of questions. I need to get inside their heads and their business. My forte is that I keep an eye and focus on what is out there and can advise accordingly.

I try and establish the following: –

  1. What do you and your business do just now?
  2. What may you be doing in the shorter term?
  3. Where do you see things in the longer term?

This enables me to focus on exactly you do and how you currently are doing it.

I can then look at solutions that are there just now that may make your tasks smarter and with emerging tech, I can advise on when you should maybe put your toe in the water.

I.T. is an ever-changing horizon and you have your focus and business to run. So why not hand it over to someone who focusses on the tech and get them to advise on what may be beneficial for you.

So, the key factors about adopting technology is you and your team and business. I always start from that point.

Should old kit be abandoned?

laptop update
Old kit gets a new life

The current statistics shown that the sales of various tech is now down and that people aren’t eagerly awaiting to buy the latest thing.

There are various reasons for this and to put your finger in the one would be wrong.

But it begs the question about what we do with old kit? I have been recently taking 7 year old laptops that have still some very good kit on board and upgrading by adding a SSD drive to them.

What do we do with our computers?

We need to look at what we now do with computers: –

  • A few years ago all programmes were on the computer and so was the data until we backed it up
  • The Internet was growing fast and we are getting faster access.
  • So cloud storage became a thing and has grown over the last few years to an amazing level.
    • “According to recent research by Nasuni, there is over 1 Exabyte of data stored in the cloud, or: 1024 Petabytes of data. 1,073,741,824 Gigabytes of data. Quintillion bytes of data” This data was 2013. 6 years ago.
  • These figures don’t even make sense to us. To try and comprehend this amount of data and storage becomes something we can’t relate to.
  • Applications are also becoming more cloud driven and this will only increase over the next few years. SAAS. (Software As A Service). Office 365 is a well-known one. Google utilities, (G-suite), etc. Monthly subscriptions and the latest and greatest always at your fingertips.

So what does this mean?

Well, the strain is being taken off a lot of standalone machines as the storage needs to be less as all data goes to the cloud. (See article on using the cloud, here.)

The machines if they have a large amount of RAM and a fast SSD drive can boot up in anything from 4 seconds to 18 seconds. (The one I worked on recently booted up in 4 seconds)

So old kit can be slightly upgraded and cope very well with what you need it to do. Thus alleviating the direct need to buy the latest kit all the time.

What’s best for you?

Well, that really depends on how you operate and the things you need to achieve. But don’t immediately write off all your current kit. Maybe it is just better connections that you need or you need to think about the way you operate and see if there are ways it can be done better.

What are your thoughts on this?

Comment below.

What scares you about using the cloud?

The nature of computing over the last few years has gone one way and one way only and that is to drive users on the cloud. The software is now offered as a service and machines locally are less powerful with less storage, as your storage is not local anymore and is on the cloud remotely.

Most people are going with the flow and some others are still thinking the old way and have loads of data stored locally. The machines then become infected and data is lost or compromised.

Some companies have to store data locally due to legal requirements or just their processes in-house require it. However, the way the world is going is to store remotely, which allows so many good benefits.

What are the Benefits?

Let us start by looking at some of the benefits of cloud and remote storage: –

  1. The use and accessibility of files and work become easier. Users can drag and drop files etc. to cloud storage drives ion their machines. You don’t have to be technical. The stored data can then be accessed from anywhere in the world.
  2. How about disaster recovery? A backup plan for data has been something us I.T. guys have shouted about for years. Cloud storage drives create an automatic backup of all data stored, taking away the need for you to do it and the costs involved.
  3. Security is always the main argument against using the cloud. However, the best thing about cloud-stored data is that the server data is distributed across redundant servers and the data that is stored in the cloud is safeguarded against any type of hardware failure. Cloud servers also provide automated backups and snapshots in order to make sure that your data is safe.
  4. There are cost savings in using cloud-based data storage as well. No expensive on-site storage solutions that have running costs as well. All this is saved and the cost of cloud storage against it usually means a cost saving. This depends on your company and setup of course.
  5. Data sharing is another great benefit of cloud storage. Files can be shared in-house with colleagues or with clients externally.
  6. Automation of backups etc. is also a massive benefit. Once set up a daily routine isn’t needed locally and this frees up people for other tasks.
  7. Online cloud storage is also a great way to allow staff and clients to collaborate on documents and projects. From anywhere in the world.
  8. File integrity is also another great plus. When working on a cloud-based file you simply save and close. This means we don’t have various copies on various machines. Then trying to sync most recent of them.
  9. The amount of convenience and peace of mind offered by cloud storage system is amazing! Even if you store data on transportable devices like external hard drives or flash drives, some kind of manual intervention and physical handling is required. The data that is stored in a cloud is backed up online and it can be accessed from anywhere. Information is automatically saved as it streams in. There is no need for you to save, label or track information. The convenience of online cloud storage enables you to completely concentrate on your work without getting stressed about data loss.


Online storage and backup are beneficial for all types of businesses. It is a platform that does not require any huge investment and can be actively used in connecting staff and clients. Collaborating and using data smartly. Not to mention less supervision and online activities. Secure in the knowledge that it is all backed up for you and can be accessed from anywhere.

Do you own a NAS and are you looking after it well?

Synology NAS box

Synology, one manufacturer of NAS box’s

A strange question for the uninitiated. What is a NAS and what sort of food does it eat and how should I be treating it?

My focus recently has been all about storage and the space we are each using to store our data. (Whatever that data maybe). From faster drives to access the data to storage solution on the cloud and in the office. It is one of the most important and common questions I am asked.

One solution doesn’t meet everyone’s needs. But a combination of solutions is usually what people use and sometimes chaotically with no thought on how this will progress and what the strategy is or should be.

So what is a NAS?

Well, it isn’t a small creature that keeps you company and helps with your storage and access to data. Well, that is not completely true it does allow storage and access to data in various ways and will cleverly backup said data in different ways. NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. A system of storage media that is attached to your network at home or work. Over the years this type of storage has become more and more intelligent and can literally be a self-contained computer system that runs all your data and data access. It can be a small unit to a much larger unit. Various companies make them and they are, well what can I say I am biased, brilliant.

I have used one for business for over 8 years now and it has served me well. I can store data on it and it has internal drives that automatically backup to each other creating what is called a mirror of my data. I also can, and have configured it to back up to a cloud drive and have chosen the important data to back up in this way. So I have offsite data as well.

The NAS unit allows me to access it remotely over the Internet, (Through a secure connection), so my own personal cloud drive with access. I can add users and give them a proportion of the space and they can store their data there and we can collaborate on data.


This is a lower costs system to having a fully-fledged file server in your office and still allows multiple access by users and storage and remote access. It has a configuration panel that is easy to understand and configure. An admin is appointed and can add users, block users and configure all the aspects of the system. The amount of storage is up to you and your budget. But it can be easy to handle and allow for expansion to a cloud drive or even to add extra space at the NAS unit itself.

Remember the biggest asset to any business is data and the importance of data and how easy it is to access it and collaborate using it is important.

So if you are considering storage and where it all goes?