May The Force Be with You!

Why is getting an I.T. needs Analysis is not just a good idea, but an essential one?

it analysis

In today’s digital age, technology is the backbone of most successful businesses. But for small businesses, navigating the ever-changing tech landscape can be daunting. This is where regular IT checks come in. Just like a car needs tune-ups, your business technology needs regular assessments to ensure it’s running smoothly and meeting your evolving needs.

Why Regular IT Checks Matter

Here are three key reasons why small businesses should prioritize regular IT check-ups:

  • Security: Cybersecurity threats are a constant concern. Regular IT checks can identify vulnerabilities in your systems, outdated software, and weak passwords, all of which leave you open to attacks. IT professionals can recommend and implement security measures to keep your data and operations safe.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: The right technology can streamline processes and boost employee productivity. IT checks can identify outdated software that’s slowing you down and suggest more efficient options. They can also ensure your systems are properly configured for your specific needs, eliminating unnecessary steps and wasted time.
  • Cost Savings: Small problems left unchecked can snowball into expensive repairs or data loss. Regular IT checks can catch small issues before they become major problems, saving you money in the long run. Additionally, IT professionals can help identify areas where you might be overspending on technology and suggest cost-effective alternatives.

Finding the Right IT Support

Many IT service providers offer flexible plans tailored to small businesses. Look for a provider who understands your specific needs and budget. Regular check-ups can be scheduled quarterly or even annually, depending on your risk profile and how often your technology changes.

Investing in regular IT checks is an investment in the future of your business. By proactively managing your technology, you can ensure it’s working for you, not against you.

Check out our IT needs analysis packages here, all tailored to you and your budget and needs. Needs Analysis.

Upgraded Old Computers vs. New Computers: Striking the Balance between Nostalgia and Performance

refurbished equipment

As technology rapidly advances, the dilemma between sticking to a beloved old computer or investing in a brand-new one becomes a recurring conundrum for many users. Both options have their merits, catering to different needs and preferences. Let’s explore the pros and cons of upgrading an old computer versus purchasing a new one.

Upgrading an old computer often appeals to the sentimental user, someone who has grown attached to their trusted machine over the years. Nostalgia plays a significant role here, as they cherish the memories associated with their loyal companion. Additionally, upgrading specific components, such as adding more RAM, replacing the hard drive with an SSD, or upgrading the graphics card, can breathe new life into the system. This approach is often more budget-friendly than buying a brand-new computer, allowing users to extend the lifespan of their machine without a hefty upfront cost.

However, there are limitations to upgrading old computers. Technological progress moves at a rapid pace, and older systems might not be compatible with the latest hardware and software. Upgrading certain components might not yield substantial performance improvements due to hardware bottlenecks or outdated architecture. Eventually, the old computer may reach a point where further upgrades are no longer feasible or cost-effective, leaving the user with a compromised computing experience.

On the other hand, investing in a new computer guarantees cutting-edge technology and performance. Modern computers come equipped with the latest processors, graphics cards, and other components, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience. Moreover, new computers often offer enhanced energy efficiency, reducing the environmental impact compared to older, power-hungry machines.

However, new computers can be considerably more expensive than upgrades. For some users, the cost of purchasing a brand-new system might not fit their budget. Additionally, buying a new computer means parting ways with the familiar, personalized setup of their old machine, which can be a difficult adjustment for long-time users.

Ultimately, the decision between upgrading an old computer and buying a new one depends on individual needs and circumstances. If nostalgia, budget constraints, and modest computing requirements are paramount, upgrading an old computer can be a viable option. However, for those seeking cutting-edge performance, compatibility with the latest software, and have the financial means, a new computer is the way to go.

At I.T. Turning Point we have a source of quality refurbished computers, with a guarantee. reducing the carbon footprint of buying a brand-new computer. Get in touch and we can chat about things and your specific needs. Click here

Regardless of the choice, responsible e-waste management should always be a consideration. Donating or recycling old computers ensures they don’t end up in landfills, contributing to environmental sustainability. Whichever path users take, finding the right balance between nostalgia and performance will lead to a computing experience that meets their unique preferences and needs.

When should I replace my I.T. Equipment and why?

IT kit
Is repairing or replacing the thing

As a business, your IT equipment replacement policy should be based on several factors, including cost, usage, and technology advancements. Here are some recommendations to consider when creating your IT equipment replacement policy, this isn’t the full list:

  1. Cost-effective replacement: You should consider the cost of the equipment and determine if it makes more financial sense to repair it or replace it. This can help you make the best use of your budget and minimize expenses. Also, remember old failing, slow equipment can be causing less productivity and hence less income.
  2. Usage: The frequency of use and the importance of the equipment should be considered when determining the replacement schedule. For example, you may want to replace a computer that is used frequently and is critical to your operations more frequently than a computer that is used infrequently.
  3. Technology advancements: new technologies are constantly emerging, and you may want to take advantage of them by replacing your older equipment with newer, more advanced equipment. This can improve your operations and keep your business up-to-date. Windows 11 and Windows 12 is on its way now relying on hardware that may not be in your older kit.
  4. Support and warranty: You should also consider the support and warranty provided by the manufacturer when determining the replacement schedule. If a manufacturer no longer provides support or warranty for a piece of equipment, it may be time to replace it. Staff trying to repair and keep kit going isn’t their job and again reduces productivity.
  5. Environmental impact: Finally, you may also want to consider the environmental impact of your IT equipment. You may choose to replace older equipment with more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly equipment.

It’s important to have a clear and well-defined IT equipment replacement policy in place to ensure that you are making the best use of your resources and maximizing your operations. Financially the spending may not seem frugal, but in the middle and long term, it is better and can save money long term.

Get in touch and we can chat about how we can draft an I.T. renewal policy for you and advise on your current kit with one of our Needs analysis surveys.

Using Technology into the future

technology into the future
One world loads of technology

The use of technology has dramatically changed the way we live, work, and communicate over the past few decades, and this trend is expected to continue into the future. The advancement of technology has brought us the internet, smartphones, and artificial intelligence, which have revolutionized the way we interact with the world and with each other.

In the future, technology will continue to play a significant role in shaping the way we live our lives. The Internet of Things (IoT) will become even more prevalent, connecting everyday devices and allowing them to communicate with each other, leading to increased automation and efficiency. Augmented and virtual reality will become increasingly mainstream, changing the way we experience the world and interact with others.

Artificial intelligence will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, transforming industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. AI will be used to diagnose and treat illnesses, automate tedious tasks, and make complex decisions. Automation will also lead to job displacement, which will need to be addressed to ensure that people can adapt to the changing economy.

Blockchain technology will also become more widespread, providing increased security and transparency for transactions and enabling the creation of decentralized systems. 5G networks will become more widespread, providing faster and more reliable internet access, which will be crucial for the development of new technologies such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities.

In Conclusion

The use of technology will continue to evolve and transform the way we live and interact with each other in the future. It will bring new opportunities and challenges, and it is essential that we stay ahead of the curve by adapting to the changes and ensuring that technology is used for the betterment of society. The future is unpredictable, but one thing is certain – technology will play a significant role in shaping it.

Get in touch now and have a chat about how we can help keep you ahead of the game. Click here

Space the Final Frontier

storage spaceHaving been into science fiction for most of my life, I thought this would be a good time to look at Space, the Final Frontier. A phrase I have grown up with. But why this title and why this topic?
Well now as opposed to in the past we have a range of places available to store our data and as we all now data is king.

So, what final frontier do you use for your data storage?

Or do you sue multiple frontiers?
In the past, we had limited solutions available to us. Floppy disk, Hard drive in the local machine, Server space on the in-house office server. Burning data to a CDROM or DVDROM. Then USB pen drives became the major medium for storage. In fact, I come across this method the most as people move and share data with each other.

Well is that the final frontier? It certainly gives us the flexibility of having mobile data we can access everywhere and share with others if need be. That must be the solution.

Of course, intrinsically it has a whole range of problems associated with it. Losing the drive, securing the data on the drive. limited space on the drive. (However, there are some very large storage capacities now available.) A virus somehow getting on the drive and then transferring nicely to all the machines you plug it into.

The Final Frontier

 Well, what is the final frontier if USB drives are flawed? Most large IT organisations are now pushing SAAS. (Software As A Service) This is normally for things like Microsoft Office Products and soon to be Windows. A monthly fee for access to software that is generally on the cloud and you get access to a web-based version and a downloadable version depending on the package you have paid for.

This whole premise of a cloud-based supply leads us to the cloud being the final frontier. A place to store all your valuable data. Also, a place where the data can be automatically backed up and shared with others securely. Access to the Internet (Cloud) is essential even though some areas can be accessed offline. The benefits are massive. All data can be shared and is automatically backed up. You can access it from any device anywhere. Work on it and collaborate on it. As technology drives us forward we will be adopting this Final Frontier More and more,

Are you heading there at Warp Speed?

Chromebook Acer R11 Review



So it’s been a while and I thought I would start with my latest piece of kit. Chromebooks have been around for a while and haven’t captured a lot of the market in the UK. In the USA, however, they have been competing with Apple in the education market and have taken schools by storm as the students love the idea of a keyboard and the lightweight functionality of a Chromebook over an IPad.


There are various manufacturers of Chromebooks and I did a little research before I purchased my one. So what did I go for?

Acer R11 Chromebook

This is a relatively new Chromebook in their range and this allows it to run Android Apps from the Google Play Store, as well as the Chrome-based apps, from the web store. This appealed to me as I wanted something to replace my ageing Nexus 9 tablet as it seems that Google has decided to drop the tablet market and launched all their Pixel Books instead, which are rather prohibitively priced.

This particular Chromebook is lightweight and 11-inch screen makes it very clear and visible. It also has the lovely function of flipping 360 degrees to create an 11-inch tablet. So it ticked a lot of my boxes. Larger than I had been carrying around, but I was prepared to make that sacrifice.

Battery life claimed to be around 10 hours when charged as well. However, I am finding when fully charged it is telling me around 7 hours…. Slight discrepancy there Acer.

However after some initial problems when I received it, I finally got a working Chromebook and have been using it as my tablet replacement for a few months now. Boots up fast as all SSD drives. 4 GB of Ram and 32 GB of internal storage, the rest of the cloud. High relation screen and camera for video calls etc.

Here is the full spec: –

  • Processor: 1.6GHz quad-core Intel Celeron N3150 (quad-core, 3MB cache, up to 2.08GHz with Turbo Boost)
  • Graphics: Integrated Intel HD Graphics
  • Memory: 4GB DDR3L
  • Storage: 32GB
  • Screen: 11.6 HD, 1,366 x 768 touchscreen, LED-backlit IPS
  • Camera: 720p webcam
  • Wireless: 802.11ac (B/G/N) dual-band WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0
  • Ports: 1x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.0, 1x HDMI with HDCP, 1x 3.5mm headphone jack, 1x SD card slot
  • Weight: 2.76lbs
  • Size: 11.57 x 8.03 x 0.76 inches (W x D x H)

It is Blue the one I got as you can see from the photos attached.


So how do I feel it has been going?

So far it has been good going and I have been able to do all I want on this device. It is fast enough and covers all my bases. The only faults are that the use of an emulator to run the Android Apps is sometimes very buggy and resizes the screen and crashes at times. I have wandered over to the web-based apps for so many things and they run marvellously on the Chromebook. It allows me to carry out all my online worm and to edit a document using the Google Apps suite and then save them to the cloud and access them at my desk and phone when I need to.

I haven’t outputted the display yet through the HDMI port, but I have cast it through a Chromecast and it works well. Chrome as an OS is adequate and easy to get to grips with. Automatically updates and keeps me on top of what is happening.

It connects to any Wi-Fi I have tied so far and does it fast. Speakers seem OK as well and can play audio nicely.

I think this is a good replacement for my Nexus 9 and will be happy to use this into the future.


Talking about the future.

Acer, after I purchased this, have launched a Chromebook Tablet. 10 inch. Again to compete in the Education market in the USA. However, it is making its way to the UK market in May time. So that will be one to watch. Will run Chrome OS and allow the use of Android apps as well.

Let me know what you think and do you think the age of Windows ruling devices is over?

What do you use and why?

Sorry guys

A Happy New Year and all the very Tech for 2018

First, of all let us say sorry guys that we haven’t been around for a year. Our parent company I.T. Turning Point had to close and this left us in limbo. But our passion for all things tech and I.T. is still intact.

So a year to the last post we are back and will be posting again here. A Happy New Yera to you all and I hope this year is filled with tech and technological advances for yourself and for your organisation.

We are going to look at all things tech and how they are advancing so keep your eyes peeled and ask us stuff to inspire us to go and look out the answers for you.

So instead of HEy Google, say Hey Techpoint, tell us about this, and we will try and give it our best shot. We are restructuring during this year and things hopefully will settle into a pattern.

Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

So much to report on, where to start……….?

technology report

So much to report!

Hi guys, I have so much to report on that I am writing this all inclusive blog post.

So, what are the main headlines then? Well, I have had so much that here are the areas I will touch on in this blog post.

  • Nexus 5X usage and how that is going
  • Nexus 9 revival and discovery
  • Android Beta Testing Nougat 7 and the final version, on the Nexus 9
  • Update on Android Wear from last year, how is that going then?

My everyday life

I am really letting you into my everyday life, my devices that sustain and support me as I go about my daily tasks from business to personal. How I interact with them and how they perform and allow me to do what I need to do or not as the case may be…

So where to start? Well, let’s start with my mobile phone, as we all have one and it ends up being our mainstay most of the time.

LG Nexus 5X

So, to recap I have been using the Nexus 5X for the last month or so and it was to replace my older Nexus 5 that was a tremendous phone and caused me little to no problems. The main thing about the Nexus 5X is the slimmer shape and the more up to date hardware and the fact that it today as I finish this article has updated to Android N (Version 7, Nougat). It has fingerprint launching and better camera etc.

So how has that been going?

A quick update is that the battery still drains very fast and when taking photos and running Bluetooth all the time it seems to drain even faster. I am hoping this will be much improved now I have updated to Android N. Which has better battery saving than ever before. It does have the USB C connection and fast charging so as long as you can access that or a power pack that I carry a lot, then it can be back up and running quite quickly. The camera on the rear is excellent and creates great photo shots. The only problem I have had with this so far was that after about a week of having the phone, the camera refused to focus on anything and made a clicking noise when trying to focus. A tad scary as I hadn’t dropped or miss-used it. I Googled it to see if anyone else had experienced this and found that many had. A simple restart cures it. So restarted and it corrected itself and it hasn’t raised its head again since.

Strange one that. I have put a slim Spigen case on my Nexus 5X and this has great grip and acts as a bumper to protect in case of a drop or bump. But all in all loving the phone and no issues other than the camera weirdness to report.

Nexus 9 Revival and Recovery

Yes, yes, yes. I know the Nexus 9 don’t go there device and all the bad reports I had posted. Well if you remember the last report I stated that I had stuck the Beta testing of Android 7 (Nougat) on it. Well, it seemed worse and everything was just confirming my fears that this device had missed the plot a lot and really needed to be avoided. I kept running it, however, as I am persistent if nothing else, I noted that the battery was running out very fast and I constantly had to recharge it and that the processor was running hot. This intrigued me and I installed a few apps to see what the processor was doing and why it was hot etc. I found it was running at 89% to 94% most of the time. Further checking revealed that the Facebook Messenger App was responsible for my battery dying and probably the processor usage. I uninstalled it and guess what happened? Go on have guess?

The processor went to normal and was hardly running and the battery lasts up to two days unless heavy use. Thanks a lot there Facebook. That won’t be going back on anytime soon. It is important to note there that this App runs on my mobile phone and has none of the above aspects there. So I can only assume that Facebook hasn’t optimised it for Android 7 yet. Which will now be interesting as my phone has just updated?

So, the tablet was behaving a lot better, still slightly unstable with some things, but remember that I was running a Beta version of Android 7. The good news is because I was enrolled on the Beta programme I have now been fully upgraded to the finished version of Android 7. The tablet has improved again with the apps being much more stable and the tablet being more responsive. Some Android 7 features won’t work with some Apps but that is the Apps suppliers needing to get their apps updated. This will come. So I am slightly more positive and happier with my N9 than I have been for a while. Time will tell, though.

Android wear

Well, only a short update here. I am still wearing my LG G Watch that I got last year and have only needed to replace the strap as the original failed on me. Easily done though and it is performing well apart from the following: –

  • Charging when it sits on the docking station. Sometimes does not charge overnight and I find it has not been pushed in fully or has just not done it?
  • I have replaced the charging cable and repositioned the charging base to try and help and I still get the fear that it won’t charge overnight.

Other than this it is a great piece of kit and I missed it when I had no strap until my new one arrived and was fitted. It is so convenient for all sorts of apps that allow walking info and all messages coming in to be quickly reviewed. The phone can be muted from the watch and this saves taking it out my pocket in my jacket. Talking and sending a text quickly from the watch is another great feature. No, it is well worth a look and I think I will be looking at the next generation of these devices to see what they are building into them as it can only improve and get better.

Desktop PC

Thought I would just pop this in at the bottom, I still haven’t gone up to Windows 10 as there still seem to be some major issues floating around with it.

I hope that gives you a flavour of my devices and how they are developing and improving with updates and patches etc.

What are you using and how do you use them? For business, pleasure or both?

Nexus 5X: – Usage update

Well, hi again folks, just thought I would pop by and give an update on my usage of the Nexus 5X as per my previous post. Seen here.

General usage

Well, the general usage has been Ok with no real major issues that have caused much of a problem. So comparing it to my usage of the Nexus 5 over the last two years, there has been nothing I have had to cope with that is out there, so to speak.

Any Problems

The one problem I have encountered and only on one occasion was that the rear camera refused to focus and was making lovely clicking noises whilst trying to do this. I did the usual research online to find that I was not alone and others had experienced this problem as well. I had restarted the phone and the issue has gone and I have never experienced it again. But very puzzling with an online mix of, get a replacement to don’t worry if restarting it has cured it all will be fine. I have decided to monitor and see if it reoccurs and if it does a replacement would be in order I feel.

Battery life can also be an issue and I have noticed that it is not as good as my Nexus 5 and that had a reputation of battery burn. So again recharging when at my desk and then just keeping an eye on it as the day progresses when I am out and about.

I did get a charging pack a year or so ago that allows me to charge my tablet and phone when out and about. Again I had to buy a USB C cable for this as it did not have one.

The other thing I found whilst researching online about the Nexus 5X was that the power charger supplied maybe issuing a charge all the time and may not be stopping when the device does not ask for any. This is called intelligent charging and in some cases the Nexus 5X charger doesn’t act intelligently. I haven’t tested this out in any way as I am not sure how to at this stage. The video I watched online was a chap that does this for a living and had built kit to test these out and asked you to check your own one. Of course, most people won’t be able to.

Conclusion at this stage

My conclusion at this stage, which is still early days of usage is that I am happy with the phone and the amount I can get done, the most useful thing is the fingerprint scanner for the very pickup and unlock facility. Negative on this however, would be putting the phone away in my pocket and accidently touching the sensor on the rear and unlocking the phone to put it in my pocket. Done that a few times. Not a good thing.

Other than that, a good phone, at a great price when I bought it and will hopefully keep me going for a while.

Will try and do some features on the camera and other functions as I encounter their usage.

Up the Alphabet we go.

N9 review photoI thought I had finished with my last post about the Nexus 9, but I decided to sign up for the Google Beta testing of the new Android N on the N9.

So, I duly signed up and downloaded the update, with the occasional warning about it being unstable and not a finished product. Hey, I felt the N9 was running so poorly anyway that it couldn’t get any worse.

I was wrong!

I was very wrong and it can and has gotten worse. N downloaded and installed an optimised. All the standard stuff we have now become familiar with when upgrading or installing Android.

I read all the extras that were available via N and thought they would be good to try out. However my N9, (Thanks HTC for getting it so wrong with this product), had its own ideas in mind.

I had previously mentioned the various problems I was having with the N9 in my previous reviews and had suggested you give it a wide berth. My opinion is still the same.

So what has got worse?

Well, where do I start? Seriously, all looked well and the minor changes to layout were there and all seemed Ok.

Now, after using it for a few slow, very slow weeks, some apps are unstable and not happy at all and crash with an on-screen message asking if I want to close or wait.

The screen changes orientation at will and then logs out of the desktop and you have to log in again. This is so annoying when you are not even touching it and watching a video and when you log in again it has closed it down.

Battery life seems to be very poor and remember it was not good before this improvement.

I am a fan

You wouldn’t think I was a fan of Nexus devices with these posts, but I am and would have a nexus device tomorrow again. Not a N9 however and am looking at a Pixel C.

I think Google could do so much better here and have lost the plot on the N9 and the Pixel C is too heavily priced at present taking away from the ethos that was there when I bought my N7 way back. Low price and highest spec on the market. Come on Google get the focus back to the users and the loyal fan base and get Nexus range back on track and support the people who are supporting you.

So, as far as going up the alphabet, I am sure that Android N will be great when launched and I am only experiencing the bugs that will be ironed out before it does. I do operate very mobile in my business and private usage just now and feel slightly out on a limb on which device to purchase next. One that has raw Android and is cost effective.