That gut Feeling?

gut feeling, intuition

Should we ignore it?

I am always fascinated by the detective dramas on TV, as my wife would tell you, and the way they portray the detective trawling through the clues and the evidence to catch the culprit of the crime.

They also use a phrase quite often where they say, “I can’t prove anything, but I just have that gut feeling he did it.” We also hear about intuition, that feeling that you know it is right or going to happen but there is no evidence or scientific proof that it will.

I have been around this world now for around 51 years and over that time I have picked up info and facts as well as experiences that allow me to make decisions on various areas that I operate in. Generally called experience. Some people keep records and statistics to back up their experience so they can actually prove what they believe. I haven’t been as smart as that, but have I feel over the years gained a degree of Intuition if you like. That built in experience that allows for you to make a call on something before all the facts are in. Now granted sometimes you are wrong. But if I have learned one thing since I setup on my own in business, it is time sometimes is not on your side and you have to be able to turn on a sixpence to make decisions and fly by the seat of your pants.

The more I read about entrepreneurs that have been successful. The more I see that they had this type of approach, and they had the, “Gut feeling”, so to speak.

With 2014 approaching, are you evaluating what you have done in 2013 and looking at all the statistics and making a call just on them, or are you using all your senses and making a call using them as well.

Now, I am not advocating ignoring the obvious, but I am advocating that sometimes the obvious is not what lies around the corner for you and your business. Sometimes we just have to go with our gut feeling.

Have a great 2014 and step out of the statistical comfort box and do something based on just that gut feeling and see what happens.

Innovative Marketing

training and consultancy

Just a quick one my friends, but we were so tickled by this that we thought it is definately worth sharing.

How to target the Advertising agents with a new track by a dance artist using new technology and having a retro look? That was the question here and we think they have done a great job. Absolutely fantistic idea and the use of technology and old Vinyl just blows you away.

Enjoy the video my friends and admire the innovation.

Might go and rake out my vinyl records now and dust them down…………….

Ok, OK….we haven’t posted for a while!

nexus 7 2013

Sorry we haven’t potsed for a while holidays can do that to you. We have had a very busy spell and then a overdue holiday.

But what’s all the tech news, well things are always moving in the tech world and we are monotoring the new rumours of the latest Iphone to hit the shelves, later this year, the new Xbox One and the new Playstation. The transformation of the screens we use, we will be writing up a blog on that very soon.

But the most exciting news for us is that we are about to take proud ownership of the new Nexus 7 this weekend and will be doing a followup to the test drive we did on the previous one to report to you what the changes are and how we get on with it. It is one of these things that stirs the anticiaption and makes you excited and wonder if it will outstrip what we have experienced on the previous version and be as sturdy and have such a long battery life.

The specs have inproved considerably so the performance should be different, the screen will be the highest resolution on the market for a 7″ tablet. But will this come at the cost of the battery life being reduced? Our testing will tell and we will tell you.

Watch this space for the test drive blog.

Have you bought  tablet or new phone recently, what were your experiences?

Ian Thomson
Founder/Senior Trainer/Consultant
IT Turning Point

Bombardment …….

information overloadThis post is more of a rant, and a look at how things have changed over the last few years.

I have been in and around the wonderful and ever changing world of IT, and all things geek, for over 13 years now – and have seen and experienced many changes in how information is delivered and handled.

Recently, I suddenly realised that I was getting bombarded with information from all sides. Not only that, but pressures had increased almost in proportion to the information streams. Let me give you an example of what I mean.

It is not so long ago that I remember thinking, “Wouldn’t it be great to get my emails sent to my phone so that I can deal with them at any time”. Now of course I have what I wished for, and have three email accounts feeding to my smart phone. I also have social media messages rattling through my phone, as well as tweets, re-tweets, Facebook and Google+ updates that keep rolling in.

Of course, the physical number of hours in my day have proportionally increased to handle this new and exciting stream of constant interaction … wait a minute – no they haven’t! I simply find myself working outside what I would consider normal working hours in order to keep all these areas active.

What has all this meant? For starters, it has driven information delivery in such a way that you can know about something before you see it on the news or in a paper. It has also unfortunately increased peoples expectation of instant responses to emails, messages etc. – which only leads to a heightened stress factor.

As a result, prioritising then becomes even more of a necessity. This helps you or I cope when handling the huge volume of data, but often offends someone at the other end who feels we have not given a timely answer to their very social approach.

Hence, my title for this rant … sorry post … Bombardment.

How do you manage your interactions with today’s Technology and communication?

I am considering buying a pigeon coup and going back to pigeon post.

Let me know.